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Madeleine McCann: German prosecutors are “100% sure” who killed the girl

Madeleine McCann: German prosecutors are “100% sure” who killed the girl

Madeleine McCann: German prosecutors are “100% sure” who killed the girl

German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters said investigators are “100% sure” that Christian Brueckner is the killer of Madeleine McCann, the girl who disappeared in 2007 in Portugal when she was three years old. “We are sure that we have the man who kidnapped and killed her,” said the magistrate about the main suspect in dialogue with the British newspaper. The Mirror.

Christian Brueckner Since 2019, he has been serving a seven-year sentence in a German prison for the rape of a 72-year-old American woman. The prosecutor noted that, with the evidence they have, the authorities hope to file charges against him next year. However, he clarified that there are still questions to be answered and they hope to build a stronger case to “accuse him with the best possible evidence.”

“Now we can accuse. Now we have those tests. We are 100% convinced that he killed her ”, emphasized Prosecutor Wolters.

“But it’s not just about accusing him, we want to accuse you with the best possible set of evidence. We still have questions, so it would be nonsense to accuse rather than wait for answers that could strengthen our position. “added.

“That is why we have said that we will investigate as long as there are clues or information that we can follow. I am not saying that what we have now is insufficient. But he’s in jail, so we don’t have this pressure. We have time on our hands “.

Addressing Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, the prosecutor said: “We are sure we have the man who took and killed his daughter. All I can do is ask for your patience. Personally I think a conclusion will be reached next year. We don’t have the body or the DNA, but we have other evidence. Based on the evidence we have, there is no other conclusion. “

The case of the little girl Maddie, which moved European public opinion for years, suffered a dramatic turnaround at the beginning of June last year, with the identification of a new suspect, Christian Brueckner, a repeat offender German pedophile who has already been convicted of rape in Portugal and is currently in custody in connection with another case.

Photograph taken on May 13, 2007 shows a poster with information about the British girl Madeleine McCann in the Lagos spa area, in Praia da Luz, in southern Portugal.  (AFP PHOTO / MELANIE MAPS).

The disappearance and the main suspect

The little “Maddie” disappeared from her room on May 3, 2007 in Praia da Luz, Portugal, where he was on vacation with his family.

The night the girl disappeared, her parents Kate and Gerry had gone out to dinner with their friends at a restaurant located 50 meters from the holiday complex where they all temporarily resided in Praia Da Luz, Portugal.

Madeleine and his siblings were left in the room alone, starting at 8.30 pm on May 3, 2007. The parents say that they returned to control the well-being of the little ones at all times, with an average of 20 minutes during the night. But at 10 p.m. Madeleine’s mother discovered that the little girl had disappeared.

The most striking thing about the case was that both Kate and Gerry McCann were listed as suspects formalities of the disappearance of his daughter. This happened formally in September 2007, due to a DNA analysis that planted a hypothesis.

Madeleine McCann's parents hold up a photo of what their daughter would have looked like in 2012.

UK researchers believed that Madeleine she had had an accident in the room and that her parents had found her dead. Along these lines, to hide their negligence, they had decided to cover up the fact and get rid of the little girl. This theory was finally discarded in 2008.

After years of fruitless searches, The Maddie case was suddenly accelerated in June 2020 with the identification by German police of a suspect, the German Christian Brueckner.

Currently the man is serving a seven-year sentence after being convicted of raping a 72-year-old American woman in 2005 (two years before the girl’s disappearance and near the place of the alleged crime), in a home in Praia da Luz. The German was also accused of abusing his ex-girlfriend’s five-year-old daughter in 2013.



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