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Arab countries condemn the attack on a concert hall in Moscow

Arab countries condemn the attack on a concert hall in Moscow

Arab countries condemn the attack on a concert hall in Moscow

Several Arab countries condemned this Friday the attack carried out by a group of armed men in a concert hall in a shopping center on the outskirts of Moscowwhich caused at least 40 deaths and 100 injuries.

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In a statement, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned “in the strongest terms the shooting” and expressed “its sincere condolences to the Government of Russia in this painful tragedy and to the families of the victims”, while wishing everyone a speedy recovery. the injured. .

Qatar expressed itself in similar terms in a note in which it showed its “categorical rejection of the shooting (…) and violence and terrorism, whatever the reasons.”

Bahrain also sent a message to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in which he offered his condolences to the families of the victims of this attack, carried out by a group of unidentified men with automatic weapons before a concert by the rock group Piknik, according to the Russian Federal Security Service in a statement.

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According to authorities in the Moscow region, more than twenty injured people had to be hospitalized, five of them in serious condition.

Source: Elcomercio

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