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UK: King Charles III smiles during the religious celebration of Easter.

This is his most significant public appearance since he announced his cancer two months ago. King Charles III enjoyed a stroll this Sunday morning after attending a traditional Easter religious service at St George’s Chapel, west of London. Dressed in a dark coat, the 75-year-old sovereign smiled, waved and appeared to joke as he got out of a car with his wife Queen Camilla in front of the religious building located in the grounds of Windsor Castle, about forty kilometers from the British capital.

King Charles III at St. George’s Chapel this Sunday, April 31st. AFP/Poole/Holly Adams

The pair emerged about an hour later, Charles with a happy face before exchanging handshakes and a few words with members of the public who had gathered by the dozens. Camilla, for her part, received a bouquet of flowers from the hands of a boy as she left the chapel. The couple left upon arrival aboard a royal Bentley with large glass surfaces making them easier to see.

Many obligations canceled

The public appearance comes just over a week after Princess Kate, wife of Prince William, the heir to the throne, announced that she, too, had cancer. Unlike other members of the royal family, the couple and their children do not attend the ceremony, taking a break from the media attention.

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In early February, Buckingham Palace announced that the king was suffering from cancer discovered during prostate surgery a few days earlier and was beginning treatment. Since then, Charles III has canceled all official public events, but continues to perform certain official functions or respect small gatherings, such as those with the Prime Minister.

On March 22, Princess of Wales Kate, in turn, announced that she had cancer, also without specifying its nature, and that she had started preventative chemotherapy. His cancer was discovered after major abdominal surgery in mid-January. The palace said the king was “proud” of Kate’s courage after weeks of media and social media speculation following a lack of public appearances since Christmas.

Source: Le Parisien

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