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Humanitarians killed in Gaza: Benjamin Netanyahu admits Israel’s “unintentional” strike on “innocents”

He understands the responsibility of his army. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted on Tuesday that seven employees of the US NGO World Central Kitchen killed in the Gaza Strip were killed in an “unintentional” Israeli strike.

“Unfortunately, a tragic incident occurred yesterday (Monday) when our forces inadvertently targeted innocent people in the Gaza Strip. This happens in war, we will check to the end, we are in contact with governments and will do everything to ensure that this never happens again,” he said from the hospital where he underwent surgery for a hernia on Sunday evening.

“Investigation has been launched” by the Israeli army

Earlier on Tuesday, the Israeli army said it would launch an “investigation” to determine the circumstances of the strike. “We will launch an investigation to further examine this serious incident. This will help us limit the risk of such an event happening again,” said Army spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagary, adding that he had spoken with the founder of the NGO, Spanish-speaking American leader José Andrés.

The officer said he offered the Israeli Army’s “most sincere condolences to the families and extended family of World Central Kitchen.” In his message, Daniel Hagari talks about “WCK’s noble mission to deliver food and humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.” “WCK also came to the aid of the Israelis after the October 7 massacre, they were one of the first NGOs to arrive here,” he added. “We will go to the end (about this question) and we will share our findings with full transparency,” he said.

The US-based humanitarian NGO World Central Kitchen accused Israel of carrying out the “targeted attack”. Since the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip nearly six months ago, WCK has been involved in humanitarian operations, including providing food to starving residents of the besieged and war-ravaged Palestinian territory.

“The World Central Kitchen is devastated and confirms that seven members of our team were killed in Gaza in an IDF strike,” the Israeli Armed Forces this Monday deplored the NGO’s announcement of “the suspension of its operations in the region.” “I am heartbroken and dismayed that we, World Central Kitchen and the entire world, lost beautiful lives today due to a targeted attack by the IDF,” said WCK President Erin Gore.

Source: Le Parisien

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