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Correa asks the European Union and the world to put pressure on Quito to allow Glas to leave

Correa asks the European Union and the world to put pressure on Quito to allow Glas to leave

Correa asks the European Union and the world to put pressure on Quito to allow Glas to leave

The one who was president of the Ecuador from 2007 to 2017, Rafael Corrêaappealed this Tuesday to the European Union and the rest of the international community to exert “political pressure” so that the Ecuadorian Government of Daniel Noboa grant safe passage to former vice president Jorge Glas.

I place the order for Europe and the world to (put) the political and judicial pressure that is necessary, because this will not stop with a simple call for attention, so that the Noboa Government gives safe passage to Jorge Glas“Correa said in a press conference at European Parliament together with the MEP from Izquierda Unida, Manu Pineda.

TO KNOW MORE: Jorge Glas was hospitalized after refusing to eat in prison, according to prison authorities

The former Ecuadorian president drew attention to the fact that “There is a person kidnapped, whose life is in dangerfor which all human rights were violated”including the asylum he was granted MexicoIn which Embassy in Quito Police forces entered last Friday to arrest Jorge Glaswho since yesterday has been admitted to a military hospital due to health problems, apparently due to not having eaten food.

This goes beyond left or right. This violates civilizational principles, principles like inviolability of diplomatic headquarters, principles such as the sacredness of political asylum” he emphasized beltexpressing their desire that the majority of political groups in the European Chamber support the initiatives that Izquierda Unida will initiate to pressure Quito.

In this sense, Pineda announced that his political group will request a debate in the plenary session of the European Parliament about the situation in Ecuador and will require the European Union to activate the dispute resolution mechanism provided for in a clause of Agreement of Association of the Twenty-Seven with the Latin American country.

We like European UnionWe have obligations” Said Pineda, remembering that his group will also ask the European External Action Service (SEAE), headed by the High Representative Josep Borrellto send a “mission” to Ecuador for “emergency visit” glass because we fear for his life, we fear that he will commit suicide, so to speak.”.

Let’s hope that the right, especially the extreme European right, this is also not ideological and as he is against a left-wing movement, a left-wing vice president, (I think) there is no problem in killing him while he is still alive. There are things that go far beyond ideology, if we have any political decency”, said Correa in turn.

Be clear, we are not even facing fascism, we are facing barbarism“, he warned beltby emphasizing that this action “brutal”from the Government of Noboa has electoral reasons because the president thought it would give him “popularity” in view of the plebiscite on the 21st promoted by the Executive in security, investment and employment issues.

If we convey this to you, civilizational principles, civilizational principles themselves, will be in danger. For the good of international coexistence, for the validity of human rights, for my country, Europeworld, stop it“he cried beltwhich alluded to “kidnapping” in glass as “the icing on the cake” of “persecution”Also suffered by him.

belt resides since 2017 in Belgiumwhere he has had refugee status since 2022 after denouncing political persecution and ‘legal war‘ (use of the judicial apparatus against political opponents), the same reason that led to the asylum request Mexico for glasswho has two current convictions for corruption and is accused in a new case.

According to the Government of Noboa, Mexico allegedly violated international treaties on the right to asylum by sheltering a person accused of embezzlement and who had to return to prison to serve two sentences for bribery and Association Criminal.

For its part, Mexico maintains its position of frontal rejection of the attack on its embassy in Quito and chose to resolve the crisis with complaints before international bodies such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Court of Justice.

Precisely, the OAS meets this Tuesday, at the request of Ecuador, to discuss the controversial attack on Mexican Embassy in Quito.

Today Correa emphasized that Ecuador will be represented at the level of authorities at the meeting because Noboa feel that you have “the implicit support of the United States, because it released a statement, but it was very lukewarm”. “They believe they will go unpunished and that depends on the international community. We can’t set that precedent”, he concluded.

Source: Elcomercio

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