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Israel names ‘Iron Shield’ for operation that intercepted Iranian drones

Israel names ‘Iron Shield’ for operation that intercepted Iranian drones

Israel names ‘Iron Shield’ for operation that intercepted Iranian drones

The Army of Israel gave the name ‘Iron Shield’ to the military operation with which it intercepted the vast majority of the more than 300 drones and missiles launched by Will against Israeli territory on Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported in a message on Monday.

The country, with the help of United States, United Kingdom, France and neighboring Jordanmanaged to intercept 99% of Tehran’s missiles and drones, most of them outside Israeli airspace, so the Iranian offensive caused no deaths, but left a seven-year-old girl seriously injured by shrapnel and minor damage was reported. The Air Force in the south of the country.

READ TOO: How did Israel and its allies intercept more than 300 missiles and drones launched by Iran?

Iran claimed that the increase, which included more than 170 drones, 120 ballistic missiles and around 30 cruise missilesis in retaliation for the April 1 attack on his consulate in Damascuswhat Tehran attributed to Israel and which caused the deaths of six Syrians and seven members of the Revolutionary Guard Iranian, including two generals.

To the Israeli authorities have not yet announced what measures they will take following the attack, although local media report that the War Cabinet, which met this Monday and intends to also meet tomorrow, Tuesday, wants to give a blunt response.

The authorities do not want to launch a regional warand its main military ally, U.Shas already warned that it will not support a military response, according to the channel 12 Israeli news.

Source: Elcomercio

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