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Concern about attack on Iran and general call to stop escalation with Israel

Concern about attack on Iran and general call to stop escalation with Israel

Concern about attack on Iran and general call to stop escalation with Israel

The attack against a central area of Willsupposedly for Israel – which has not confirmed it – has caused great concern in the international community and calls on both countries to stop the confrontation.

Israel This Friday morning he would have launched several missiles at Will in Isfahan province. But Iran denied the attack: first saying that anti-aircraft defenses had shot down several drones and then saying that they were “several flying objects.”

In turn, anonymous sources cited by the newspaper Jerusalem Post They said Friday’s attack should be interpreted as a warning to Tehran about Israeli offensive capabilities and as a sign that Israel is not seeking a regional war.

The message (of the attack) was unequivocal: ‘This time we have decided not to attack your nuclear facilities, but it could have been worse”, sources assured the newspaper.

READ TOO: Iran denies having been attacked with missiles by Israel and claims to have shot down several drones

Iran will not respond

The Iranian Army hinted this Friday that it will not respond to the drone attack it suffered last night and which caused no damage.

Thanks to our vigilance, flying objects were shot“, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army, Major General. Abdul Rahim Mousavito the Iranian agency Defa Pressspecialized in defense.

When asked whether Iran will respond to aggression, Mousavi he claimed: “Iran’s response has already been seen”in an apparent allusion to last Saturday’s attack on Israel.

TO KNOW MORE: Iran suspends flights in three cities after “strong explosions”

The UN calls for “de-escalation”

From Geneva, the UN Office for Human rights This Friday asked Israel and Iran for efforts to reduce tensions at a time “extremely precarious” in Middle Eastafter alleged Israeli attacks on Iranian soil.

It is still difficult to obtain accurate information (about possible attacks), but we urge the parties to take measures towards a de-escalate of the situation“, said the office’s spokesperson at a press conference. Jeremy Laurence.

The official source also questioned other states with influence over the belligerents “do everything possible to ensure that there is no deterioration in a situation that is already extremely precarious”.

And, along these lines, the president of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyenhe asked “for all parties” to halt the escalation of violence in the Middle East.

We must do everything possible for all parties to stop the escalation in that region” he claimed Von der Leyen during his visit to the Finnish city of Lappeenranta to inspect the border between Finland and Russia.

China adhered to this idea, declaring his opposition to “any action that causes escalation” of the crisis in Middle Eastaccording to the Itamaraty spokesperson Lin Jianwho added that his country “will continue to play a constructive role” to reduce tension.

LOOK HERE: Iran activates its air defense after explosions near Shekari military base

The G7 in favor of diplomacy

Foreign ministers G7 They are gathered on the Italian island of Capriwhere the situation Middle East.

He G7 will carry out “a diplomatic effort to de-escalate” of the crisis, said the Italian Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani: “We demand that you stop, let’s see if we are convincing

And among the Arab countries Egypt This Friday, he expressed his “deep concern” about the situation and asked the parties to exercise “maximum self-control” to avoid prolonging the conflict in Middle East.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry emphasized that “will continue to intensify its contacts with all interested and influential parties to contain tension and escalation.”

Another Arab country, Omanwhich is usually offered for mediation in Middle Eastcondemned the attack and called for “addressing the causes and roots of tension and conflict” in the region.

In this line, Oman called for action that “focus on ceasefire efforts (in the Palestinian strip) Link and resort to international law and resolutions of United Nations achieve a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue and reset securitystability and comprehensive peace throughout the region.”

Source: Elcomercio

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