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Iranian President gave speech without mentioning bombings

Iranian President gave speech without mentioning bombings

Iranian President gave speech without mentioning bombings

Not a word. On Friday morning, Iranian President Ebrahim Raissi made a speech, remaining silent about the explosions that occurred in the territory several hours earlier. Authorities have made no connection to tensions with Israel.

Speaking to several hundred people in the northeastern city of Damghan, the Iranian president made very brief reference to the tense international situation in the Middle East following Iran’s unprecedented drone and missile attacks on Israel over the weekend. The operation, carried out on April 13, “reflected our authority, the iron will of our people and our unity,” he said. “All segments of the population and all political trends agree that the operation strengthened the strength and authority of the Islamic Republic. »

The president made no mention of the explosions near the central city of Isfahan, which senior U.S. officials said the media portrayed as an Israeli attack.

“There were no air attacks from abroad”

“American media reports are inaccurate,” Iranian space agency spokesman Hossein Dalirian said. He said that “so far there have been no air attacks from across the borders on Isfahan or other parts of the country.”

“They only made an unsuccessful and humiliating attempt to control the quadcopters that were shot down,” he added in a message published on X, without providing details about those responsible for these actions.

Only a “suspicious object” at the source of the explosions

“Today’s explosion in the skies of Isfahan was associated with anti-aircraft fire on a suspicious object, which did not lead to any accident or damage,” said Army Commander-in-Chief Abdolrahim Mousavi. Tasnim News Agency.

“Experts are studying the extent of the problem and will contact you once the results are available,” he added.

“You’ve already seen Iran’s reaction,” the commander said of Tehran’s possible response.

Source: Le Parisien

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