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More people die from malnutrition in the US than in Gaza, says Netanyahu

More people die from malnutrition in the US than in Gaza, says Netanyahu

More people die from malnutrition in the US than in Gaza, says Netanyahu

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahustated this Tuesday that malnutrition is almost non-existent in Linkand went so far as to state that in U.S there is “the triple” of deaths from this cause than those recorded in the Palestinian enclave.

In an interview given to the network CNN On Tuesday afternoon (almost midnight in Israel), Netanyahu spoke of “twenty or thirty cases”of deaths due to malnutrition in Linkin comparison with the 20,000 who, according to their figures, were counted in U.S in 2022.

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The Prime Minister responded to the journalist like this Jake Tapperwho questioned him about the situation of widespread hunger, something he described as “completely false” It is “absurd“, despite the different agencies of the UN For several weeks they have been warning about this situation that affects half of the population of Gaza.

Netanyahu also questioned the number of deaths in Gaza – more than 35,000 – because, according to him, “these numbers are inflated (because) the UN organizations in Gaza are in the hands of Hamas and give false information”.

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According to their calculations, the Israeli army killed “15,000 terrorists“and a similar number of civilians, which he justified because it was a war in a densely populated environment, and said that this ‘ratio’ was the same as that which occurred in the battles of Fallujah (2004) or Mosul (2016), cases that he cited as being the last major battles in which North American troops were involved.

Source: Elcomercio

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