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Emmanuel Macron announces additional 400 million euros to train artificial intelligence specialists

Emmanuel Macron announces additional 400 million euros to train artificial intelligence specialists

Emmanuel Macron announces additional 400 million euros to train artificial intelligence specialists

Does Emmanuel Macron dream that the future GPT Chat will be French? The French president announced a new series of measures on Tuesday that will make France a leader in artificial intelligence (AI).

The “battle” for AI must be fought around “five core areas: talent, infrastructure, deployment, investment and governance,” the head of state said during a meeting of the sector’s biggest players ahead of the VivaTech opening. show in Paris. Thus, Emmanuel Macron announced an additional 400 million euros to finance the training of artificial intelligence specialists through nine centers of excellence, “AI clusters.”

The goal is to increase the number of people trained from 40,000 a year to 100,000, he detailed to sector leaders such as Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, and Yann Le Cun, director of the Meta artificial intelligence laboratory, gathered at the Elysee palace Emmanuel Macron also announced the launch before the end of the year of a new investment fund, a quarter of which will be subscribed by the state, to support the least funded and most technologically connected sectors of artificial intelligence, electronic chips or even the cloud.

To facilitate the adoption of this new technology by the French, the President has also assigned a mission to “acculturate citizens” to the National Digital Council, which will have a budget of 10 million euros to organize debates and cafés around artificial intelligence throughout France.

The country will also have a new artificial intelligence assessment center, which will aim to become one of the largest centers in the world, added Emmanuel Macron. Following the UK in 2023 and South Korea, France is currently also organizing the next international AI summit on February 10 and 11, 2025.

Source: Le Parisien

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