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Pro-Palestinian activists interrupt Blinken with their hands painted simulating blood |  VIDEO

Pro-Palestinian activists interrupt Blinken with their hands painted simulating blood | VIDEO

Pro-Palestinian activists interrupt Blinken with their hands painted simulating blood |  VIDEO

A group of activists pro-Palestinian interrupted several times with shouts this Tuesday the appearances made by the Secretary of State of the United States, Anthony Blinkenhad in two Senate committees, protesting American support for the Israeli offensive in Link.

Protesters sat in the audience behind Blinken, and some of them shouted at him “war criminal” It is “Butcher” when the Secretary of State spoke, after which they were evicted by the security of the Capitol.

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Other activists, however, chose to remain silent and raise their hands stained with red paint that simulated blood, because if they remained silent the police allowed them to remain in the hearing.

Interruptions and booing at events by members of the Government, including speeches by the President of the United States himself, Joe Bidenbecame common as the Israeli invasion of Gaza strip.

A group of pro-Palestinian protesters camped for several weeks in front of Blinken’s residence, on the outskirts of washington.

MORE INFORMATION: Israel blocks Associated Press from broadcasting images from Gaza under media law

The protests also spread to universities across the country, where camps were set up and in many cases dismantled by the police.

He Democratic Party will be celebrated in August Chicago his convention to nominate Biden as a candidate for re-election and some fear that the scenes from the 1968 National Conventionwhich took place in the same city and was marked by protests against Vietnam War.

Source: Elcomercio

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