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Biden attacks Trump for “using Hitler’s language instead of that of the United States”

Biden attacks Trump for “using Hitler’s language instead of that of the United States”

Biden attacks Trump for “using Hitler’s language instead of that of the United States”

The president of U.S, Joe Bidenthis Tuesday attacked his predecessor and future rival in the November elections, donald trumpfor a video shared on social media that referenced a “Unified Reich”.

The president criticized Trump for the recording published Monday night and later removed, which included alleged headlines predicting a “Unified Reich” if the Republican managed to win the elections.

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This is Hitler’s language, not America’s.“Biden stated in a video released on his personal account on the social network X, in which he appears reacting with a”wow” for the video.

After criticizing the content, the president assured that Trump’s only concern is “hold the power”, while taking care of Americans. “I care about you”, he added in the video created by his campaign.

Biden had already reacted in a similar way at a campaign event in Bostonin which he repeated that “The language used by Trump is that of Hitler, not that of the United States”.

The controversial headline of “Unified Reich” appeared in the video along with other messages on newspaper pages that predicted a supposed victory for the Republican with phrases like “Trump wins!” It is “The economy is thriving!”.

In a statement, the Republican campaign spokesman Karoline Leavittexplained that it was not an official video, but rather a recording created by someone else’s account and shared by a team member while Trump was on trial in New York.

After the video was published, Biden’s campaign took the opportunity to criticize him and remember that this is not the first time that Trump has used the language of Nazi germany.

In fact, at the fundraiser in Boston, Biden recalled that Trump once claimed that Hitler did “some good things“, something that the Republican said to one of his advisors while he was at the White House and which is collected in a book published in 2022 by Michael Benderfrom the Wall Street Journal.

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Trump has also used this type of rhetoric in public. During this election campaign, he described his political opponents as “worm” and said that migrants “poison the blood”from the United States, a rhetoric that evokes declarations of Adolf Hitler.

The White House also criticized the video this Tuesday, considering it “dangerous“,”offensive“,”anti-American“,”abominable“,”disgusting” It is “shameful“, according to a statement from Andrew Batesone of the presidential spokespeople.

In a speech in Philadelphiathe American vice president, Kamala Harrisalso criticized the video and considered it “outrageous”.

Source: Elcomercio

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