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Milei at Luna Park LIVE | Argentine president presents his book and puts on a musical show

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, offers his ‘musical show’ this Wednesday at the legendary Luna Park Stadium, in Buenos Aires, where he will sing live and will also present his latest book, “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap”, with tickets sold out, according to sources from the Presidency . Banners supporting the president, with people arriving from different parts of Argentina, added to the national and international coverage of the event, in front of an audience that spanned generations, from young people to adults and with a strong police presence around that emblematic location. , setting for countless sporting and musical nights.


Sofía, a 50-year-old Colombian, who visits Argentina With a copy of the ultraliberal’s book in hand, he told EFE that “Milei is the solution” and wished “there was something like that” in his country.

LOOK: Spain announces that it is “definitely” withdrawing its ambassador to Argentina after new insults from Milei

Supporters of Argentine president Javier Milei demonstrate in front of the Luna Park stadium before attending the presentation of his new book “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap”. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO/AFP). (LUIS ROBAYO/)

Tickets sold out (free) It is ‘resale‘ of seats starting at 7,000 pesos (about 7 dollars), as EFE found out, the day will be attended by the vice president, Victoria Villarueland several ministers, including the Minister of the Interior, Guilherme Franco; that of Economy, Luis Caputo; Security, Patricia Bullrichand Defense, Luis Petri.

Also expected is the secretary general of the Presidency, and sister of the Head of State, Karina Milei; the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem; and deputies Bertie Benegas Lynch, Lilia Lemoine and Romina Diez, as well as Buenos Aires deputy Ramiro Marra, who commented to the press that The public will be in front of an “exciting event”.

A supporter of the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, wears the president's mask this Wednesday, before entering the Luna Park stadium.  (EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni).

A supporter of the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, wears the president’s mask this Wednesday, before entering the Luna Park stadium. (EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni). (JUAN IGNACIO RONCORONI/)

“He himself will sing and will be the relevant figure of that unprecedented musical ‘show’ in Argentina”the presidential spokesperson had indicated the previous day, Manuel Adorni, at his usual press conference at Casa Rosada, headquarters of the Argentine Executive.

The event will start at 8pm (11pm GMT) and will consist of two parts.

The first will be a typical presentation, in which the Mileiits spokesman and the economist and deputy José Luis Espert, who in recent weeks joined the ranks of the Advances of Freedomfar-right party led by the president, which tends to generate controversy due to its public interventions.

Supporters of President Javier Milei line up in front of the Luna Park stadium to watch the presentation of his new book.  (Photo by Luis ROBAYO/AFP).

Supporters of President Javier Milei line up in front of the Luna Park stadium to watch the presentation of his new book. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO/AFP). (LUIS ROBAYO/)

Subsequently, the so-called ‘musical show’of which no details are known, while queues of several blocks gather around the stadium for places for members of La Libertad Avanza (far right), in which around a thousand people have signed up.

The president is used to starting his big rallies, including the speech he gave last Sunday in Madrid, which triggered a diplomatic crisis with the Spanish Government. singing a cappella some verses of the song ‘Panic show’, by the Argentine rock group La Renga.

Mileiwith numerous followers on social media, is a recognized Rolling Stones fan and was even a member of a group in his youth, Everesta tribute to ‘Your Satanic Majesties‘and a symbol: the highest mountain in the world.

As part of this climb to the first world ranking, Milei has published several economics books, including ‘The Libertarian Path’whose Spanish edition was presented in Madrid last Friday, and which will be launched this Wednesday.

Source: Elcomercio

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