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Israel gives green light to resume talks on hostage release in Gaza

Israel gives green light to resume talks on hostage release in Gaza

Israel gives green light to resume talks on hostage release in Gaza

The war cabinet Israel gave the green light to the resumption of negotiations to obtain the release of hostages held in Linkwhere the army carried out new bombings this Thursday.

The decision was taken after the release of a video of five Israeli soldiers being kidnapped on October 7, the day of the attack by the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas in Israel that triggered the war.

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The families of the five soldiers authorized the publication of the images, in which they are seen sitting on the floor, with their hands tied behind their backs, some with bloody faces.

“These images show the violent, humiliating and traumatizing treatment that these women suffered on the day of their kidnapping,” the Hostage Families Forum said in a statement.

In response to the video, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahureiterated that he will continue to fight against Hamas to “ensure that what was seen tonight does not happen againr”.

His war cabinet, which met in the evening, “ordered the negotiating team to return to the table to ensure the return of the hostages,” said a senior government official.

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– 26 dead in Gaza City –

Mediated by Qatar, Egypt and the United States, negotiations for a truce failed in early May due to disagreements between the two sides.

In the October 7 attack, Islamist commandos killed more than 1,170 people in Israel, most of them civilians, according to an AFP report based on official Israeli sources.

The fighters also kidnapped 252 people. Israel says 124 remain in Gaza, of whom 37 would have died.

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In response to the attack, Israel promised to “annihilate” the Palestinian Islamic movement and launched an offensive against the Gaza stripwhere Hamas, which Israel, the European Union and the United States consider a terrorist group, has governed since 2007.

At least 35,709 Palestinians, most of them civilians, died in this offensive, according to the Hamas government’s Ministry of Health.

At night, shelling and artillery fire were heard across Gaza, according to AFP teams.

Gaza civil defense said 26 people, including 15 children, were killed in Gaza City in the northern Palestinian territory in two pre-dawn Israeli airstrikes.

In Jabaliya, also in the north, the Israeli army indicated that “it is targeting several terrorists from Hamas in bombings against military infrastructure used to store weapons.”

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In Nusseirat, in the center of Palestinian territory, a group of residents examined the rubble of a house destroyed by Israeli bombing.

“When I saw the flames (…) I said to myself ‘poor things, they were hit by a missile’, without knowing that it was actually my husband, his first wife and their children”, said Fátima Hathat.

– “Reward for terrorism” –

Hostilities also continue in the south of Linkspecifically in Rafah, according to witnesses, where Israeli troops entered on May 7 with the intention of carrying out a major offensive.

Some 800,000 Palestinians forced to flee Rafah to other places in Gaza, according to the UN.

A two-day Israeli attack on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin has killed at least 12 Palestinians, health officials and an AFP correspondent said on Thursday.

At the diplomatic level, Spain, Ireland and Norway announced on Wednesday that they will recognize a Palestinian state at the end of the montha step Israel described as a “reward for terrorism”.

Israel summoned its ambassadors to Madrid, Dublin and Oslo for consultations and indicated that it would summon emissaries from the three countries.

Adding to the diplomatic pressure against Israel, Colombia, which broke relations with the Jewish State almost a month ago, confirmed the installation of an embassy in the Palestinian city of Ramallah, in West Bank.

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However, the creation of a viable Palestinian state seems a very uncertain prospect due, in particular, to the absence of talks in this regard, Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank and Netanyahu’s opposition.

The leaders of the so-called “axis of resistance”, formed by Iran’s allies in the fight against Israel, spoke on Wednesday about the war in Linkin Tehran, on the sidelines of the funeral of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

“The continuation of jihad and the struggle until the complete victory of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, with the participation of the resistance axis groups, was affirmed” by the participants, according to state television Irib.

Source: Elcomercio

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