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Colombia: Italian businessman who claims to be Berlusconi’s heir is arrested for forgery

Colombia: Italian businessman who claims to be Berlusconi’s heir is arrested for forgery

Colombia: Italian businessman who claims to be Berlusconi’s heir is arrested for forgery

The Italian businessman living in Colombia Marco Di Nunzio, who claims to be another heir to the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconideceased last June, was arrested this Thursday in the Colombian city of Cartagena, as part of the investigation opened by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office (northern Italy), local media reported.

Di Nunzio, who was also arrested for alleged forgery committed in Colombia, was informed of the conclusion of the preliminary investigation carried out by prosecutors Roberta Amadeo and Marcello Viola aimed at trying him for the crimes of forgery of documents and attempted extortion against Berlusconi’s five children , the official heirs of the tycoon.

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According to the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office, the 55-year-old businessman prepared three different false holographic wills, allegedly signed on September 21, 2021 at a notary’s office in Cartagena, in which Berlusconi bequeathed him “liquidity, business shares, boats and real estate”. .”

Di Nunzioafter having sent refusals to his heirs, he would have tried to deposit the first two wills in the Notarial Archive of Milan, and then would have formed a third will that he deposited, last summer, with a notary in Naples (south), in which, according to him, he would have been left with 2% of the shares of the family group, Fininvest, and other assets.

Berlusconi’s children denounced him for “extortion” after, also last October, on an Italian television channel, he threatened to publish documentation about Berlusconi and initiate a process to obtain the inheritance, unless the heirs gave him a sum, according to the same sources.

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Investigations to reconstruct Berlusconi’s whereabouts on the day the “Colombian” will was signed revealed that the tycoon was not in Colombia in those days at the end of September, but in his Milanese mansion in Arcore.

Di Nunzio has always claimed to be a friend of Berlusconi and in 2013 he tried to run for president of the Lombardy (northern) region with the list of the “Bunga Bunga Movement”, excluded by the Milan Court of Appeal commission due to alleged irregularities in matters of signatures.

According to the “Neapolitan” will in the hands of Di Nunzio, Berlusconi would have left him 2% of Fininvest sharesfor an approximate value of 26 million euros, in addition to all the shares in the company that owns the two houses that Berlusconi had in Antigua, in the Caribbean, the ship “Principessa VaiVia” and also other vessels.

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Berlusconi’s official will, opened after his death, was dated June 19, 2022, when the politician was already ill with leukemia, and leaves as heirs to his empire, Fininvest, his five children: Pier Silvio, Marina, Barbara , Eleonora and Luigi .

What is more, Berlusconi bequeathed 30 million of his fortune to Marcello Dell’Utrihis right-hand man, co-founder of his party, Forza Italia, and sentenced to seven years in prison for links to the Sicilian mafia Cosa Nostra.

And he also donated 100 million to his brother Pablo and another 100 million to his last partner, Marta Fascina.

Source: Elcomercio

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