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Argentina: teachers demand salary and labor improvements in new national strike

Argentina: teachers demand salary and labor improvements in new national strike

Argentina: teachers demand salary and labor improvements in new national strike

The main teaching union in Argentina and unions grouped in the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) are carrying out a 24-hour national strike this Thursday, with the epicenter in Buenos Aires, demanding improvements in wages and working conditions.

The protest, ranging from entry level to university level, is concentrated at the National Congress in Buenos Aires, where educators are calling for an urgent call for joint ventures, funding for public schools and universities, as well as greater infrastructure, funds for school cafeterias and end of state dismissals.

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“We demand funding for education, national educational programs, school grants, cafeterias and cups of milk, teacher training, infrastructure, funds that the National Government should send and are not being sent to schools”, indicated the secretary- general of Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (Ctera), Sonia Alesso, in a statement.

Coinciding with the anniversary of the 1988 White Marcha massive demonstration of teachers in Argentina that lasted 43 days for demands similar to the current ones, Ctera once again appealed to public educators due to the loss of their salaries, which since December 2023 some have received 250,000 pesos (about US$281 per month). .

“This causes and deepens provincial conflicts, in the absence of the State as a guarantor of the minimum salary for teachers and the resources necessary for the functioning of the educational system”, adds the union in the document.

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In turn, the Government of Javier Milei stressed that there will be no calls for national joint ventures.

The presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, highlighted in his usual press conference at Casa Rosada (the headquarters of the Executive), that this is the third teaching strike of the year and that Argentina is a federal country and these issues must be resolved by the government provincial. governments.

O unions They announced that the measure will have “force” in primary, secondary, technical schools, higher education institutes and even the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) itself.

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In private centers the situation is different, as the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (SADOP) joined the call for strike, but its membership is not representative and the majority of institutions will open their doors and continue with scheduled classes.

inflation in Argentina It reached 289.4% per year last April and wages lagged behind prices.

Strikes and mobilizations by different unions and sectors have been a constant since the Argentine president took office on December 10th, which turned into two general strikes, on January 24th and May 9th.

Source: Elcomercio

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