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Díaz-Canel confirms that Cuba will suffer “prolonged” blackouts until June

Díaz-Canel confirms that Cuba will suffer “prolonged” blackouts until June

Díaz-Canel confirms that Cuba will suffer “prolonged” blackouts until June

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canelconfirmed this Thursday that there will be power cuts “prolonged”in the country until June because maintenance is being carried out on the energy system with the aim of ensuring that the effects are smaller in July and August, months of higher consumption.

We will have extended maintenance until June minimize the inconvenience of blackouts in the summer, especially in the months of July and August”, assured Díaz-Canel in a new chapter of the media space that he presents, ‘From the presidency’, which is broadcast on state television and the internet.

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Maintenance involves deactivating energy production sources, mainly thermoelectric plants, so that generation capacity is not sufficient to meet demand.

Let’s work so that they are not prolonged, long-lasting, as we achieved at another time“, he said.

In July and August, the president added, they will be working “All seasons“, he said in relation to the fifteen energy production units in operation at the country’s seven thermoelectric plants, which would mean a notable reduction in interruptions.

The president acknowledged that during this month there was “more than 20 hours straight”In some recorded locations and days where“a third party” of demand was not met.

According to data prepared by EFE based on daily reports from the state-owned company Electrical Union (UNE), since the first days of May there have been deficit rates that reached 38% of demand.

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Miguel Díaz-Canel He assured that at the moment the problems are concentrated in breakdowns and forced maintenance in several production units and not so much in the lack of fuel, a problematic issue in the first months of the year.

There are no blackouts here to bother anyone“, assured the president after recognizing that the power cuts are”one of the topics that most impacts life”from the Cubans.

In fact, the biggest protests that have occurred in recent years in the country have originated in places that suffered blackouts, from the massive ones on July 11, 2021 to the recent ones in Santiago in Cuba last March.

Source: Elcomercio

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