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Noboa manages to register the official ADN movement to seek re-election in 2025

He National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador decided this Thursday to officially register the official movement in the party registry National Democratic Action (ADN), led by the country’s president, businessman Daniel Noboa.

After one session of its plenary session, the CNE registered for DNA after fulfilling the registration requirements and granted him the ‘List 7′, the number that in the past corresponded to National Action Institutional Renewal Party (Prian), led by the father of the current president, the banana tycoon Álvaro Noboa.

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Precisely, Álvaro Noboa failed to obtain command of the country despite having presented himself five times as a presidential candidate in the 1998, 2002, 2006, 2009 and 2013 elections.

His son Daniel won last year’s extraordinary elections, in an atypical process after his predecessor, the banker Guilherme Lasso (2021-2023), will call new elections after dissolving the National Assembly (Parliament), invoking a constitutional mechanism called “cross death”.

Noboa ran under the ADN brand, but to be a candidate he had to participate in an alliance with other parties that were already registered in the CNE register.

After defeating Luisa Gonzálezthe movement’s candidate Citizen revolutionled by former president Rafael CorrêaDaniel Noboa took power on November 23, 2023, to complete the four-year period that corresponded to Lasso, but which he himself shortened.

Although it did not obtain a majority of seats in Parliament, the ADN managed to establish alliances and agreements with several parliamentary groups to support various legal projects promoted by Noboa from the Executive.

Today our hearts are full of gratitude to every Ecuadorian, you are the true strength of our national political movement.“DNA noticed it on its social networks.

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Likewise, he thanked his activism for “believe in the possibility of a better future through our common cause, which is to continue rescuing our country from those who harm it”, added the training.

Together with our president Daniel Noboa we will continue to move forward, guided by our principles and united by our objective: The new Ecuador”, he added in the message to his activists.

With the inclusion in the CNE’s register of political organizations, the ADN was qualified to participate in the general elections of February 2025, when Daniel Noboa should run again, for a period of four years (2025-2029).

Source: Elcomercio

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