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Milei says Pedro Sánchez is “Europe’s laughing stock” in diplomatic matters

The Argentine president, Javier Mileicalled this Thursday the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sancheslike him”Europe’s laughing stock”, in a new outbreak of attacks in the serious bilateral diplomatic crisis triggered after the appeal “corrupt”to the wife of the socialist leader.

He attacked me in every possible way and for havingand when I responded in the abstract with an example, he felt approached and used the entire State apparatus to respond to the detriment of a beautiful relationship between the peoples of the Spain It is Argentina”, highlighted the far-right Milei in an interview with local television LN+.

LOOK HERE: “Both are in the phase of not giving up an inch”: Milei vs. Sánchez and the growing tension between Argentina and Spain

Today he is the laughingstock of Europe in diplomatic matters“, he released.

On Sunday, during a meeting in Madrid of far-right leaders organized by the Spanish party VoxMilei referred to Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómezas a “corrupt woman”, without directly identifying her.

At the end of April, Spanish justice opened a preliminary investigation against Gómez on suspicion of influence peddling It is corruptionbut the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested that the case be closed shortly thereafter.

Milei’s statements led Spain to demand an apology and recall its ambassador in good air. The number three of the Sánchez Government, Yolanda Diazaccused the Argentine president of sowing “to hate” and the Minister of Transport, Oscar Puentesuggested that he take drugs while giving his speeches.

He ordered me to attack me because of his ministers, he didn’t even have the courage to do that, then with the setback he received with the Minister of Transport, he cowardly sent women to attack me to try to frame this as an issue of misogyny.“Milei said in the interview broadcast this Thursday.

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The Argentine president once again defined Sánchez as “an incompetent, liar, coward”.

The harsh exchange of accusations in Madrid and Buenos Aires became the worst diplomatic crisis in the government of the far-right Argentine leader, who has already had clashes with the leaders of Colombia, Venezuela It is Mexico.

In his almost six months in office, Milei defamed almost all left-wing leaders in the region.

Source: Elcomercio

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