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“They were hiding in the forest”: in Hungary, Orban’s anti-migrant wall did not solve everything

Under an azure blue sky, a metal obstacle placed in the middle of a field dotted with thousands of poppies seems incongruous. The four-meter height, surrounded by several layers of razor-sharp barbed wire, seems impassable. In the small village of Rötzke (Hungary), where greenhouses and houses with flower beds are lined up, 27-year-old Regina returns home. Together with her husband and two children, she lives about fifty meters from the impressive fence. Groomer was a teenager at the height of the refugee crisis in the summer of 2015.

Human waves passed along the Balkan Route. Arriving mainly from the Middle East, they transited through Serbia and entered the Schengen zone through Hungary: between August and December there were more than 500,000 crossings at the border where the giant 175-kilometer barrier stands. Completed in autumn 2015, it was doubled in size in 2017. To justify what many then called a “wall of shame,” populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused the EU of not doing what was necessary to curb these migration flows.

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Source: Le Parisien

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