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Israeli attacks leave another 81 dead and 223 injured in Gaza in the last 24 hours

Israeli bombings on Gaza strip left another 81 dead and 223 injured in the last 24 hours, according to data published this Sunday by the Gaza Ministry of Health, controlled by the Hamas.

Thus, on the 233rd day of the war, the total number of dead now reaches 35,984, of which 71% are children and women; and the number of injured to 80,643 since the last October 7th. Gaza authorities insist that these figures do not include 10,000 missing people who remain under the rubble.

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The Palestinian news agency Wafa reports on Sunday that Israeli airstrikes and artillery continue to hit different areas in the north of the enclave, including a residential house in the city of Beit Lahia.

An Israeli warplane attacked a residential apartment in the refugee camp of NusseratIn the center of Gaza strip and another air strike targeted houses in the center of the countryside”Adds Wafa.

He Israeli army He guarantees today in a statement that on the last day “destroyed more than 50 terrorist targets” between them “weapons storage facilities, missile launchers, observation posts and cells”of the combatants.

Troops carried out a targeted attack, based on our intelligence, on a weapons depot built into a school in Jabaliyain the north of Link“, they add in the military statement.

Israel’s attacks on Rafah continue

In Rafa, in the southern tip of the enclave, six civilians were killed, including children, after Israeli warplanes bombed a house. Also the refugee camp in Ybinathis city was the target of Israeli fire, which left more victims among Palestinian civilians.

The victims, according to medical sources, were taken to the hospital in Kuwaitthe only medical complex in this area that can still treat patients and injured people, despite its director warning yesterday that without the immediate delivery of more fuel they will not be able to continue providing medical services.

MORE INFORMATION: Hamas claims to have killed several Israeli soldiers and taken another “prisoner” in a Jabalia tunnel

The situation of Gaza’s health system is increasingly critical and the Ministry of Health recalls that at least 60,000 pregnant women are at risk due to lack of access to medical care, as well as around 350,000 chronic patients without access to medicines.

The Hebrew troops point out that during the last night they attacked “two rocket launchers”located in the Rafah area that pointed towards Kerem Shalom and that they killed militiamen who opened fire on them.

This Friday the International Court of Justice (ICJ) demanded Israel detention”immediate”of its offensive on the border town of Egyptwhich became the last refuge of the Palestinians and from which a million people have already fled.

Source: Elcomercio

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