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Hamas attacks central Israel, including Tel Aviv, with rockets for first time in 6 months

Hamas this Sunday assumed responsibility for the rocket attack at different points in the center of Israel supposedly released from Rafain the south of Linkaccording to Israeli media.

The attack, which caused a minor injury, is the first by the Palestinian Islamist group against that part of the country in almost six months.

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The emergency service Magen David Adom He reported that he treated a slightly injured person while running to a shelter, without clarifying the location of the impact.

In a statement, the armed wing of the Islamic organization, the Al Qasam Brigadesconfirmed the release of “a rocket battery in response to Zionist massacres against civilians”.

Air raid sirens were heard in Tel Aviv and other nearby cities and then the explosions of the iron domethe Israeli air defense system, intercepting the projectiles.

MORE INFORMATION: The Palestinian government denounces the “torture and beatings” of Gaza prisoners by Israel

Emergency services reported that shrapnel fell in several locations in the city of frognorth of Tel Avivand also in the cities of Petah Tikva It is Bnei Brak.

Source: Elcomercio

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