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Gaza: Algeria will submit a resolution to the UN Security Council “to stop the massacre in Rafah”

Gaza: Algeria will submit a resolution to the UN Security Council “to stop the massacre in Rafah”

Gaza: Algeria will submit a resolution to the UN Security Council “to stop the massacre in Rafah”

Following an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday afternoon in New York, Algeria’s ambassador to the UN, Amar Benjama, announced that his country would send other council members “a short, clear text to stop the massacre in Rafah.” This draft resolution demands an end to the Israeli offensive in Rafah and an “immediate” ceasefire.

This draft resolution is also based on recent decisions of the International Court of Justice, which ruled that “Israel, the powerful occupier, must immediately cease its military offensive and all other activities in Rafah.”

This text also demands that this “immediate ceasefire” be respected by all parties” and demands “the unconditional release of all hostages.”

Algeria called an emergency council meeting on Monday, a day after an overnight Israeli strike in Rafah that set fire to tents occupied by Palestinians in a displaced persons camp, killing 45 people and injuring 249, according to the sector’s Ministry of Health Gaza. .

“It’s time for the Council to act.”

Since then, Gaza Civil Defense announced on Tuesday that 21 people had been killed in another Israeli strike on a camp for displaced people in the southern Palestinian territory.

The Algerian ambassador did not specify when he hoped to put the draft resolution to a vote. “We hope this can be done as quickly as possible because people’s lives are at stake,” Chinese Ambassador Fu Cong commented, hoping for a vote this week. Same tone from the French side. “The time has come for the Council to act and adopt a new resolution,” said French Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere, also raising “a question of life and death.”

The fact remains that since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 and the start of the Israeli intervention in the Gaza Strip, the Security Council has struggled to speak with one voice. After two resolutions, mostly focused on humanitarian aid, he finally demanded an “immediate ceasefire” in late March. This time the United States, an Israeli ally, abstained, in contrast to the blockades in previous resolutions. Asked about the draft text in Algeria, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said she was looking forward to seeing it. “And then we will react to it.”

Source: Le Parisien

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