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War in Ukraine: in Switzerland Zelensky hopes for a “just peace as quickly as possible”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed hope on Saturday for achieving a “just peace as quickly as possible” at the start of the first Ukrainian peace summit, which will be held in Switzerland without Russia’s participation. “Everything that will be agreed upon (at this summit) will be part of the peace process that we all need,” Zelensky said, adding: “We will see history being made at this summit.”

Some 90 countries are attending, but the summit shows muted ambitions in the absence of Russia and China. “Together we are taking the first step towards a just world,” the Ukrainian president said, adding that “the world is stronger” than Vladimir Putin.

On Friday, the Russian president entered the conversation loudly, demanding Ukraine’s de facto capitulation before any peace talks.

Ultimatum in “Hitler style”

“We do not need a dictated peace, but a fair and just peace that takes into account the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz retorted on Saturday on ARD, repeating the condemnation of the United States and NATO.

Vladimir Zelensky condemned the Hitler-style “ultimatum” of the Russian president, who launched an invasion of his Ukrainian neighbor in February 2022.

“We want to stimulate the process of establishing a just and lasting peace,” said Swiss President Viola Amherd along with her Ukrainian counterpart. “As an international community, we can pave the way for direct discussions between the warring parties,” she said, adding: “If we want to stimulate the peace process, at some point Russia must also be involved.” This is clear to everyone.”

A second summit is being planned, in which Kyiv hopes that the Russian delegation will take part, head of Zelensky’s administration Andrei Yermak explained on Tuesday.

US$1.5 billion claimed

The meeting, held at the ultra-chic resort of Bürgenstock, perched above Lake Lucerne, began with a plenary session on Saturday afternoon, followed by dinner.

On Sunday, working groups will discuss three topics: nuclear safety, freedom of navigation and food security, as well as humanitarian aspects, in particular the fate of Ukrainian children deported to Russia.

videoUkraine: “I thank you for being on our side to protect life,” Zelensky said before the National Assembly

US Vice President Kamala Harris, who represents President Joe Biden, returned to the United States from the G7 summit in Italy with more than $1.5 billion in aid, mostly for the energy sector and humanitarian aid.

French President Emmanuel Macron will take part in the summit on Saturday along with other heads of state and government of the G7 countries (Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan, Great Britain). The Swiss hosts wanted to bring together as many countries as possible, especially those from the Global South, but among the emerging BRICS countries, only Saudi Arabia sends its own head of diplomacy. Brazil, India and even South Africa have lower ranking envoys. As for China, it warned that it would not participate until Russia was at the round table.

Source: Le Parisien

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