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Petro cancels participation in Ukraine Peace Conference, saying it will prolong war

The president of Colombia, Gustavo Pedrocanceled at the last minute his participation in the Summit for Peace in Ukrainewhich takes place this weekend in Swissclaiming that this summit will prolong the war.

The Swiss forum is not a free forum to discuss the paths to peace between Russia and Ukraine. Your conclusions are already predetermined. Most of Latin America it’s him Government of Colombia We do not agree with the extension of the war“, stated the president in his report Swedenwhere he is on an official visit.

TO KNOW MORE: Lula and his absence from the conference on Ukraine: “Without Russia there is no one to negotiate with”

The president added: “I cancel my trip to the meeting Swiss and I ask Europe discuss ways to shorten the war and not prolong it. Dialogue between Russia and Ukraine is essential”.

The president, who will return to Colombia today he assured that Latin America he wants “both the suspension of the genocide of the Palestinian people and the discovery of difficult paths to resolve the war between Ukraine and Russia”.

We are willing to participate in conferences that are freely dedicated to seeking paths to peace and no to building blocks for war”, added Petro.

During the conference in the Swiss city of Burgenstock The Colombian president was also scheduled to meet for the first time with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelensky.

The interview with Zelensky It was important because until now the Colombian president has avoided taking sides in favor of Ukraine and, unlike the war in Gaza, where he almost daily condemns Israel’s attacks, he has refrained from doing the same with Russia.

Even in Peoples Summit held in July last year at the European Parliament, Petro He said he wouldn’t know if he should support Russia oh U.S in international geopolitics because, in his opinion, they are “the same”.

Source: Elcomercio

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