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A new monolith has been discovered in the Nevada desert, four years after a series of mysterious phenomena.

Are we expecting a new series of monolith discoveries around the world? Las Vegas police spotted the disturbing object over the weekend in the Nevada desert when they came across a monolith with mirrored walls, ABC News reports.

Local authorities shared their discovery on social media on Monday, June 17, posting two photos of the object found high above Las Vegas on a hiking trail located a few kilometers north of the gaming capital of the world.

“Over the weekend, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police spotted this mysterious monolith near Gass Peak, north of the valley,” the nature preserve wrote to law enforcement on X. “As the Internet begins to work on this mystery, remember: While enjoying our incredible outdoor entertainment air, use the abbreviation TRAIL,” they joked.

The first in a long series?

The last sentence refers to the excitement caused by the discovery of the first monolith in the middle of the Utah desert in November 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic was at its peak. Then many Internet users began to research and hypothesize, trying to figure out the origin of this object, which eventually disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

The following month, a new monolith was spotted in downtown Las Vegas, beginning a long series. Appearances of these mysterious objects have multiplied around the world, from the US to Romania, via the Netherlands and the UK, and have remained unexplained until now.

Just under four years later, this new reflective monolith, discovered among the rocks of the Nevada desert, may well have revived the most outlandish theories surrounding these spontaneous phenomena.

Source: Le Parisien

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