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Argentine President Javier Milei arrives in Spain amid a crisis with the government

The president of Argentina, Javier Mileiarrived this Friday at Spainwhere he will have a meeting with the president of the Community of Madrid, the conservative Isabel Diaz Ayusowho will award him the region’s International Medal, in the midst of a diplomatic conflict with the Socialist Government Pedro Sanches.

Upon arriving in the capital this afternoon, the president traveled to his hotel in the center of Madridwhere this afternoon, in addition to the meeting with the regional president of Madrid, he will receive an award from the liberal entity Instituto João de Mariana “for an exemplary defense of the ideas of freedom.”

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So far, both events are the only ones that have been revealed on the Argentine’s agenda in Madrida trip that, as the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs highlighted today, José Manuel AlbaresIt is “private”.

Albares He stressed, referring to the meeting with Ayusowhat Spain “there is only foreign policy”which is coordinated with all state institutionsincluding the real house.

“Without a doubt it is a private visit, there is nothing on the official agenda of what I have learned so far on this visit”Albares responded in a press conference with the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Mohammed box Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thaniwhen asked about Milei’s presence in Madrid today.

After visiting Spainthe Argentine president will travel to Germany and the Czech Republicwhere you will also receive several prizes.

Source: Elcomercio

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