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Puerto Rico governor calls for referendum on political status in November

The governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisicalled for a new referendum this Monday”Creole” on the political status of the island which will take place on November 5, coinciding with the general elections.

The plebiscite, which is local in nature because it does not have the approval of the US Government, will include three non-colonial and non-territorial options: ‘Statehood’ (annexation to the United States), independence and sovereignty in free association.

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Given that the best way to demand action from United States Congress is making the sentiment of the people known, I inform you that I am signing Executive Order 2024-016, as well as an official proclamation, calling all voters to Puerto Rico to a consultation on the state of affairs on general election day“Pierluisi said in a press conference.

In this regard, he stressed that in the absence of action by the United States to resolve the status issue, “Puerto Rico has the right and moral obligation to continue to exert pressure, reiterating its right to self-determination”, after decades as a community associated with the United States.

Therefore, as many times as we have to vote for the end of the colony, we must do so. Enough inequality. Our people deserve more. Colonies cannot have a place U.S” Pierluisi added.

The governor said he was making the call under Act 165 of 2020, which authorizes him to call any election he deems necessary or when a political statute is proposed by one or both houses of the U.S. Legislature.

Currently, there are two draft statutes, including the three decolonization options mentioned, before the US Congress for consideration.

It remains to be seen whether the US government will ever approve a binding referendum to define Puerto Rico’s political status, an issue that divides the population.

This (local) plebiscite is a mechanism to pressure Congress, to demand action from Congress to solve the problems of our State. Nothing carries more weight than the expression of our people.”, Pierlusi assured.

This is what self-determination is all about, our people expressing their will directly and without intermediaries. It is important that the United States Congress knows that“he added.

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The governor highlighted that, through the consultation on November 5, Congress will know “what level of support”has ‘State’, independence and sovereignty in free association.

The governor New Progressive Party (PNP) has “State” as its motto, while opponents People’s Democratic Party (PPD) and Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) defend the maintenance of the current status and independence, respectively.

Puerto Rico has a certain degree of autonomy, with its own government and constitution, but borders, defense and foreign relations are responsibilities that the United States reserves.

Source: Elcomercio

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