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Bogotá will have its first public hospital for pets

The Mayor’s Office of Bogota announced the construction of the first public hospital to treat pets. The resources are already assigned and it is expected that, once it is ready, it can receive animals in situations of abuse, violence or emergency.

The medical institution will be located in the town of Bosa, one of the areas of the capital with the highest presence of cats and dogs, according to figures from the authorities.

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The initiative

The hospital It comes from the ‘Causas Ciudadanas’ program. The Bogota citizens put forward 18 proposals to generate “change” in the capital, as contemplated by the Secretary of Government.

“More and more citizens are mobilizing around political causes and not political houses”, affirmed Luis Ernesto Gómez, Secretary of Government and current mayor in charge.

Through the website provided, people voted and chose five initiatives. Precisely, among them is the construction of the hospital for pets and street animals.

The hospital will be available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. (Photo: iStock)

Where will it be located?

The hospital will be built in the town of Bosa. Animals in situations of abuse, violence or emergency may arrive there to receive free care 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

According to the District Institute for Animal Protection and Welfare, abusive behaviors include neglect, cruelty, commercial exploitation, suffering, physical and / or emotional harm, abandonment, and sexual abuse.

”The resources for its construction and adaptation are already provided in the budget for 2022 of the local mayor of Bosa“Gomez commented.

The town of Bosa has 8,445 cats and dogs that need to be sterilized.  (Photo: César Melgarejo / CEET).

The town of Bosa has 8,445 cats and dogs that need to be sterilized. (Photo: César Melgarejo / CEET).

One out of every five households in Bogotá, based on district figures, has companion animals or pets.In the case of Bosa, there are about 90 thousand of these animals, but about 927 dogs and 508 cats are abandoned or vulnerable; several of them have been transferred to foster homes.

The Mayor’s Office chose the town based on the previous figures and because they estimate that there are 8,445 cats and dogs that need to be sterilized.“It is important to give them back the unconditionality that characterizes them and give them the care they deserve”, sustained the mayor in charge.

Remember also that you can report cases of animal abuse in Bogotá on line 018000115161 or 123 if it is a vital emergency.

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