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The most famous judge in Brazil enters to fight against Bolsonaro and Lula

The most famous judge in Brazil enters to fight against Bolsonaro and Lula

The most famous judge in Brazil enters to fight against Bolsonaro and Lula

Feeling a new thrust from Sergio Moro, who until recently was the most famous judge of Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro accused him of always having had “political intentions”.

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He always had them, nothing against, but he did it in a camouflaged way“Said the president, recalling when he named the former magistrate Minister of Justice and Public Security in 2018.

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For Bolsonaro it is unheard of for a person to renounce “23 years of the judiciary to be a minister, knowing that the next day they can fire him”. And, as if it were a cause for scandal, he added that it was time that revealed his true intentions.

Now, Moro -who was the “Bolsonaro’s star super minister”- flirts with the presidency of Brazil hand in hand with the right-wing party We can and is emerging as a third option at the same Bolsonaro already Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

precisely, Lula da Silva -who was sentenced to nine years in prison for corruption and money laundering for the same Moro– He also expressed his opinion on the assignment of the former judge to Podemos and the possibility of him joining the electoral race: “It was already clear that I was a victim of the biggest judicial lie that has been seen in the history of Brazil”.

Several questions fall by their own weight: Is there room in Brazil’s presidential campaign for Moro? How will your candidacy affect the electoral process?

To answer those questions, Trade chatted with Alberto Aggio, historian and professor at the Paulista State University.

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The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, together with Sergio Moro, in December 2018, when the former elected the latter as his minister. REUTERS (ADRIANO MACHADO /)


It’s a kind of Robespierre without a guillotine”, Says Aggio, synthesizing the public image of Sergio Moro.

There is the idea that Moro was never available”For the rulers. He demonstrated it when he was a prosecutor for the State of Paraná and “took actions together with the Public Ministry”Against those involved in the corruption scandal, Lava Jato.

And he did not enter politics anyway. Professionally, he left public employment, the Judiciary, to be the president’s minister Jair Bolsonaro”.

If now it generates so much expectation, Aggio adds, it is because the former magistrate is an expression of the discrediting of political parties and professional politicians, a phenomenon that is also known as a expression of antipolitics.

Added to this is its aura of purity: “Moro presents himself as the one who fought corruption during the government of Lula and who said ‘No’ to Bolsonaro”.

Its image is related to the idea that politics is only corruption, that it is time to clean it up, to overcome problems and make Brazil move forward”.

Is it an outsider?

Now that he has joined a party, surely yes, but one that already has a presence in the public and political space”.


Aggio cree que, yeah Moro decides to bet on the presidency, it can go well for him. The polls say so: his name has just been announced as a candidate and he already has 8% of the public’s favor.

The figures suggest that many will not vote or for Lula ni Bolsonaro, but they don’t know who to bet on either. Moro appears there”.

The left, the lulistas, have a lot of resistance to Moro. Bolsonarismo thinks the same about him. Even so, these resistances are much lower than those that the electorate has over them.”.

If everything goes well for Moro, anota Aggio, it will surely hit double digits. “Lula is in his forties, Bolsonaro in his twenties and in decline. Instead, Moro is going up ”.

Former Brazilian judge Sergio Moro, who imprisoned Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and later became President Jair Bolsonaro's minister, joined a right-wing party on Wednesday that hailed him as the virtual presidential candidate for 2022. EFE

Former Brazilian judge Sergio Moro, who imprisoned Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and later became President Jair Bolsonaro’s minister, joined a right-wing party on Wednesday that hailed him as if he were the virtual presidential candidate for 2022. EFE (Joédson Alves /)

And that his candidacy has not yet been officially announced. What does that decision respond to?

For Aggio, it is a strategy, especially if one takes into account that on the 21st of this month the presidential primaries of the Social Democracy Party (PSDB) will be held, in which they appear João Doria, Eduardo Leite and Arthur Virgílio Neto.

That means Moro you will have to start negotiating with who you join. And, of course, define if the best thing for your career is to tempt the presidency or a position in the Senate of Sao Paulo.

And Moro decides not to go for the presidency, he will have to make alliances and that, for an outsider like him, can be very difficult”.

I imagine that, for the October 2022 elections, there are possibly four strong options: Lula, Bolsonaro, Moro and Ciro Gomes”.

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