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Germany transfers first patients abroad due to hospital pressure due to coronavirus: “Services are saturated”

Germany has already transferred some patients abroad in the face of increased hospital pressure amid the fourth wave of coronavirus facing the country, where this Thursday a record of more than 65,000 new infections was registered.

According to data from the Interdisciplinary Association of Intensive Care Medicine (DIVI), published this Thursday, in 100 of 400 districts there is only one free bed and there are 50 districts that no longer have free beds in intensive care.

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Although the total number of patients in the ICU, 3,400, is lower than that of the peak moments of the second and third waves – with 5,700 and 5,100 patients respectively – the shortage of personnel has reduced ICU capacities and that there are fewer beds available than a year ago.

The situation is especially dramatic in Bavaria (southern Germany) and Baden-Württenberg (southwest).

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That led to two patients being airlifted from Munich to Bolzano (northern Italy) by helicopter last week, said Rainald Kaube, director of Freising hospital in Munich, the Bavarian capital.

“Health services are saturated, necessary operations have to be postponed, the incidence is growing and record numbers of infections are announced every day”, The Bavarian Red Cross and other organizations said in a joint statement.

The president of the Bavarian Red Cross, Theo Zellner, warned that the current situation is more serious than that of December 2020.

“The current saturation of the UCIS and emergency services, largely due to unvaccinated patients, make the situation clearly more dramatic. There are serious and urgent patients who have to be transferred to hospitals that are hours away ”, explained.

The German health authorities verified 65,371 new infections in 24 hours this Thursday, compared to 50,196 a week ago, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of virology updated last morning.

The cumulative incidence in seven days registered after ten days with new highs another new peak with 336.9 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 319.5 yesterday.

Germany registered 264 deaths with or from covid-19 in one day, compared to 235 a week ago, and the number of active cases stands at 532,600.


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