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Toy sold by Walmart sang about drugs, suicide and depression

Marketed by a third-party seller on Walmart’s online store, an educational toy featuring songs in English, Spanish and Polish had to be withdrawn from sale. And for good reason: the lyrics of the songs in Polish contained insults and evoked subjects such as depression, cocaine or suicide, reports CT News Toronto.

At the origin of this surprising discovery, a grandmother who bought this cactus-shaped toy for her 15-month-old granddaughter. Based in Ontario but of Polish descent, Ania Tanner quickly realized that this toy wasn’t quite as educational as it claimed. The latter said she was “in shock” when she heard the words, to say the least, inappropriate, according to our Canadian colleagues.

The artist who wrote the song will file a complaint

The grandmother then filed a complaint with Walmart, as did other customers. “These items are sold by a third party seller on our website. We are removing the articles while we investigate this complaint, ”a company spokesperson said. The product was marketed in America but also in Europe via Amazon, last summer.

For his part, Cypis, the Polish rapper at the origin of the resumed title, decided to sue the Chinese manufacturing company of the game for having used his song without his authorization.


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