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One of Epstein’s alleged victims revealed they introduced him to Trump at age 14

One of the four women who claims to have been “captured” by Ghislaine Maxwell to have sex at high society parties organized by the deceased Jeffrey Epstein assured in the trial that is being held for this case that he was presented to Donald Trump when he was 14 years old, although he did not allege any inappropriate behavior from the former American president.

In the trial against Maxwell – a well-known British celebrity who is accused of having facilitated Epstein these young women, all of them minors-, the victim, under the pseudonym of Jane, said that he met the former president in the 1990s in Mar-a-Lago, his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

“Mr. Epstein introduced you to Donald Trump, is that correct?” asked Laura Menninger, Maxwell’s defense attorney. “Yes,” replied Jane.

“Jane”, who also participated in 1998 in a children’s beauty contest linked to Trump’s companies, did not give more details about that meeting in the magnate’s mansion, but did reveal that he was in one of the famous Epstein flights with Prince Andrew of England.

The episode was confirmed at trial by the veteran pilot of Epstein’s private plane, Larry Visoski, who admitted to having met “Jane” on one of those flights, although he denied that he knew how old he was at the time, details NBC.

These flights became the focus of media attention when it was published that illustrious figures such as Prince Andrew, former President Bill Clinton, Trump himself or his lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, would have traveled on them.

“Jane” told the court that Epstein regularly abused her at his Palm Beach, New York mansions and at his ranch in New Mexico. “They did despicable things to me and I wouldn’t want to keep talking about them”, said.

She testified that she met Epstein and Maxwell at summer camp, her father just passed away, and the situation at home was not good. “My family had money problems” and Epstein paid some bills, while the defendant acted as “An older sisterwhile “trafficking” with her. She is not the first woman to point directly at Maxwell for “recruiting” minors and young women in vulnerable situations, for which she has been charged with six counts, including trafficking of minors for sexual purposes.

Virginia Giuffre, who is not part of this case, denounced that she was a victim of human trafficking when she was 17 years old and handed over to Prince Andrew. Maxwell’s defense maintains that prosecutors they made her a “scapegoat”, since they cannot judge Epstein, who took his life by hanging himself in his cell in a New York jail in August 2019.



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