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Ómicron: New York on alert for a positive with the new variant that was in the city

The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, said Thursday that local health authorities are in contact with those in Minnesota, after a person with the omicron variant of covid-19 was detected there and who had participated in a convention in the megapolis.

Hochul urged those who participated in the convention in New York to get tested, while urging New Yorkers to get vaccinated.

“We knew it would come to New York state at some point”said the governor at a press conference in which she assured that the authorities are “lists“To face the omicron.

The Minnesota Department of Health reported today its first case of omicron – the second in the country after California – in a vaccinated man, who has developed mild symptoms, and who said he had been at the Anime convention in New York, of the November 18-20 (on Japanese pop culture, with exhibitions, forums and other events)).

The attendees (about 53,000 according to ABC channel 7) are being contacted by the city’s health authorities because they have the list of participants.

“There’s only one way to deal with this: New Yorkers get vaccinated, get boosters, be ready.” Hochul affirmed and warned that more cases are expected but assured that “It is no reason to be alarmed.” “We are prepared for this”, assured.

He recalled that it is not the same situation that he faced in March last year when the country had to close its activities due to the covid pandemic.

“We are not defenseless against this variant, we are confident that we can handle it. This is not a surprise”said Hochul, who was accompanied by the head of state health, Mary Bassett, who indicated that after exposure to the virus, it is expected to detect it “in the coming days”.

The governor also indicated that she has been in contact with the directors of the Javitts convention center, where the conference was held, as well as with the mayor of the city, Bill de Blasio.

Di Blasio also referred to the case, and recalled that the conference required the use of a mask and be vaccinated.

“Anyone who has attended the conference, especially anyone experiencing symptoms, should be tested immediately and take additional precautions, including social distancing.”De Blasio warned in a statement.

“I urge all New Yorkers to get vaccinated, wear a mask when indoors and in public, and help our city defeat this virus once and for all.” Held.



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