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They euthanize ‘Mona Jaller’, the woman who defrauded the Colombian Army

Sources of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (Inpec) of Colombia They confirmed to “El Tiempo” that on the morning of this Thursday, December 9, 2021, Giselle Jaller, known as the ‘Mona Jaller’, died after being euthanized due to a severe health condition that at her own request, before passing away, it will not be made public.

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“Said procedure was carried out in compliance with the right of the PPL (persons deprived of liberty) to die with dignity, in accordance with judgment C233 of 2021 issued by the Constitutional Court and Resolution 971 of 2021 issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection ”, informed the Inpec.

As El Tiempo learned, the procedure was not carried out in the El Buen Pastor women’s prison in Bogotá, where she was being held, but in a health center.

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Giselle Jaller Jabbour was captured in February 2019 in Bogotá, at that time there was a red circular against him issued by Interpol.

On the day of her capture, she identified herself with a false ID, presented herself as an Israeli citizen, but that did not prevent her from being identified as the woman sentenced to 11 years in prison, in November 2017, for false accusations and false testimony.

But the call ‘Mona Jaller‘It was already known by the authorities of the country, because in 1993 it starred in the headlines for a contract of 800 million pesos with the Army, to manufacture and distribute military supplies through the firm Inter Terra, which ended up being prosecuted for a scam to the then Banco Ganadero, today BBVA.

A second contract was signed to supply sabers to the Military school. The two businesses came to a halt when the Defense Ministry discovered the deception and she was convicted of these events in 2013.

In 1995, the then Livestock BankToday BBVA denounced Gisele Jaller for again impersonating her sister Rolla Jaller to pass herself off as legal representatives of Inter Terra.

For that company, Jaller he requested millionaire credits that were later canceled when the signature was found to be false. Then, in 2010, he tried to forge Inter Terra documents to transfer shares in his name, which was also detected.


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