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The Pope advises listening to each other as a family and not isolating oneself with the mobile phone: “We must fight against the dictatorship of the self”

The Pope Francisco He advised today to listen to each other as a family to face conflicts and difficulties, instead of “isolating ourselves with our mobile phones or” accusing each other, always repeating the same phrases. “

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During his message of the Angelus, on the day that Catholics celebrate the Holy Family after the day of Christmas, the Papa addressed the issue of family problems and assured that “The daily challenge, and it is won with the right attitude, with little attentions, with simple gestures, taking care of the details of our relationships”.

But how to do it?“, I ask Francisco leaning out of St. Peter’s Square where thousands of faithful gathered on this feast day in Italy.

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And answered that “To preserve harmony in the family, we must fight against the dictatorship of the self.”

“It is dangerous when, instead of listening to ourselves, we blame ourselves for our mistakes; when, instead of caring for others, we focus on our own needs; ; when we accuse each other, always repeating the same phrases, staging a play already seen in which each one wants to be right and at the end there is a cold silence “, he asserted.

Therefore, he repeated one of his advice: “At night, after all, make up. Never go to sleep without having made peace, because if not the next day there will be a cold war. “

“How many times, unfortunately, conflicts arise within the walls of the home as a result of too long silences and unhealed selfishness! Sometimes it even goes as far as physical and moral violence. This breaks the harmony and kills the family. Let’s go from “me” to “you” “he advised.

He concluded by asking that in Catholic families “Pray a little together every day to ask God for the gift of peace”, the and commitment of “all -parents, children, Church, civil society- to support, defend and protect the family.”


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