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Father gives his daughter cocaine … instead of a laxative

Father gives his daughter cocaine … instead of a laxative

Father gives his daughter cocaine … instead of a laxative

Italian justice has opened an investigation after an Italian gave his five-year-old daughter cocaine diluted in a glass of water instead of a laxative and diuretic, media reported on Monday.

The girl, intoxicated during Christmas Eve at her home in Ravenna, was hospitalized urgently in Bologna. She would now be out of danger, according to the Italian agency Ansa.

Traces of cocaine found at home

The emergency services had been alerted by the father of the family, concerned about the deterioration of his child’s state of health. The Ravenna prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation. While searching the home, investigators discovered traces of cocaine.

Last month, in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), an 11-month-old baby was addicted to cocaine. His parents took him to the emergency room after seeing unusual behavior. Traces of cocaine had been found in his blood. The father was sentenced to 18 months in prison. The child was taken from his parents and placed with a foster family.


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