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Ómicron: the new restrictions to stop the coronavirus in Europe and the US

Ómicron: the new restrictions to stop the coronavirus in Europe and the US

Ómicron: the new restrictions to stop the coronavirus in Europe and the US

While more than eight thousand flights in the world are canceled as a result of the spread of the variant omicron of coronavirus, several countries take steps to prevent their health systems from collapsing again.

ALSO READ: Italy exceeds 78,000 coronavirus infections in one day, a figure never seen in the entire pandemic

The World Health Organization, recently, he warned about the consequences that omicron can have. Catherine Smallwood, one of the heads of the organization, told the AFP agency:

A rapid increase in omicron, such as the one we observe in several countries – even when combined with a slightly less serious disease – will cause a large number of hospitalizations, especially among the unvaccinated”.

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The measures to prevent its spread remain the same from the beginning of the pandemic: wash hands, keep your distance, wear masks, and get vaccinated. To her, according to an article in El Mundo, one could add improve ventilation in closed spaces.

But since there is still no way to end the pandemic of the COVID-19, some countries are returning to take measures similar to those of the beginning of the sanitary problem.

This week, for example, China sent a strict quarantine to the neighbors of Yan’an, just as he had done before in Xi’an (of 13 million inhabitants). Similarly, the authorities of Beijin they arranged that the meetings of New Year only ten people attend maximum.

ALSO READ: In which Latin American countries are coronavirus infections increasing after the appearance of omicron

The efforts of the Old Continent

Recently, Denmark He reimposed the health pass and later ordered the closure of theaters, concert halls and cinemas. “We have to limit our activity“Said the prime minister Mette Frederiksen.

Switzerland, for its part, has also imposed restrictive measures.

The government noted in a statement: “Only vaccinated or cured people will now have access to the interior of restaurants, cultural establishments and sports or leisure facilities, as well as indoor events”.

France, for its part, has asked companies to “impose three days a week of compulsory teleworking on their payroll for at least three weeks”. Meanwhile, the government has proposed to Parliament to restrict access to public places to the unvaccinated.

From today on Germany, private meetings will be restricted to 10 people, while discos will be closed. Likewise, football matches will not have an audience.

In Portugal, bars and clubs are closed, meetings in open spaces can only be of ten people maximum, while remote work is mandatory until January 9.

About him United Kingdom, the BBC writes: “The first Minister, Boris Johnson, ruled out any new restrictions for England […], but Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have announced restrictions on social gatherings”.

However, the infections are so high that many have had to be absent from their work centers, paralyzing part of public life.

People with masks on their faces walk in London. AP (Alastair Grant /)

While, Russia has restricted the entry of foreigners arriving from Hong Kong, as well as some South African countries. To enter the territory, you need a PCR test less than 48 hours.

Italy, for its part, asks its citizens to wear a double mask or a high-protection one on the streets and when using public transport. To be part of a cultural event, you must prove to be vaccinated.

America relaxes

While hospitalizations increase by New York -where children from 5 to 11 years old have been admitted without the complete vaccination schedule- the presidente Joe Biden maintains that “ormicron is a source of concern, but should not be a source of panic”.

Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) order the reduction of the quarantine period for those infected asymptomatic from ten to five days.

In addition, travel restrictions from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe will end on December 31.

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