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Two Venezuelan tourists and a 5-year-old boy are found dead in a hotel in Argentina

Two Venezuelan tourists and a 5-year-old boy are found dead in a hotel in Argentina

Two Venezuelan tourists and a 5-year-old boy are found dead in a hotel in Argentina

The 5-year-old boy who was found on Sunday in an apart hotel in Mendoza, Argentina, with his Venezuelan grandmother and uncle dead, he hopes his mother comes to look for him from Brazil, while he recovers from coronavirus and a state of shock.

The little boy and his mother are Venezuelans but the woman is in Brazil, and I would be on my way to Mendoza in search of the child ”, said today Ciro Aponte, close to the Venezuelan community in Mendoza.

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Yesterday, Irma del Carmen Tobar Nacuare, 57 years old, grandmother of the minor of Venezuelan nationality and his uncle Rodolfo Valentino González Tovar, 23 years old Brazilian, and living in Argentina, were found dead by the woman who cleaned the rooms of an apart hotel located in the heart of the provincial capital.

While a possible death from poisoning is being investigated, since both bodies were with traces of vomit and food remains, the cause of both deaths is still unknown and the results of the necropsy are still awaited.

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According to the police, “It would be tourists who had entered the place on Thursday and had rented it until today, Monday”, in reference to an apartment that had been rented via the internet.

The child is in the Humberto Notti pediatric hospital, in the provincial capital, run by a group of nuns who reside there, after the state of shock in which he was found and “he is recovering from a mild Covid picture,” Aponte told the Mendoza press yesterday.

“They are feeding and containing it but it is necessary for a close relative to come. Yesterday, being found, he did not speak and his eyes were lost, but he was not intoxicated. Yes stressed, dehydrated and in a state of shock ”, Aponte communicated.

At the scene, the officers interviewed an employee, Mariela Jimena Ibáñez, a 44-year-old from Mendoza, who stated that when she was cleaning room 1, she heard the noise of water in apartment 2, so they approached the place together to his partner, they knocked on the door without getting a response and then decided to enter. To enter, They found the two bodies of the adults and the minor with vital signs.

The woman was in the bedroom on the bed, where the boy was also in shock, while the man was lying on the dining room floor.

“The minor was observed urine stains, and next to the bodies vomiting stains, for which it is investigated a possible case of poisoning, it was indicated in the police report.

The representative said that the child “They have taken supplies and other elements to assist him.” “Meanwhile, we await communication with his mother who is in Brazil and his relatives in Venezuela, so that they can come and look for him,” he said.

Aponte stated that “it is very difficult for a bacterium to have killed them so quickly since such an acute poisoning is very strange, but you have to let the professionals work and wait for the necropsy ”.


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