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Ukraine welcomes “unity” with Westerners in the face of Russian “ultimatum”

Ukraine welcomes “unity” with Westerners in the face of Russian “ultimatum”

Ukraine welcomes “unity” with Westerners in the face of Russian “ultimatum”

“The talks in Geneva have shown that our strength is in unity and coherence of positions vis-à-vis (…) Russian ultimatums”, declared Mr. Kouleba during a telephone interview with the American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to a statement released the day after the meeting.

MM. Kouleba and Blinken discussed next steps to deter Moscow from launching an attack on Ukraine, which has been fighting a pro-Russian separatist rebellion in its eastern territory since 2014, according to the statement.

Mr. Kouleba underlined that the United States remains the essential partner of Ukraine for its security. Tensions around Ukraine have increased in recent months, with Washington and European allies in Kiev accusing Russia of massing troops near the border in preparation for an invasion.

Moscow demanded written guarantees excluding Ukraine, and Georgia, from joining the Atlantic Alliance. The Geneva talks only resulted in the promise of new contacts between Russians and Americans.

In reaction to the coming to power of pro-Westerners in early 2014 in Ukraine, Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula and supported, according to Kiev and Westerners, the separatist rebellion in the eastern regions bordering its territory. This conflict has claimed more than 13,000 lives to date.


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