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AMLO says that the pandemic “is on its way out” in Mexico despite a record of coronavirus infections

AMLO says that the pandemic “is on its way out” in Mexico despite a record of coronavirus infections

AMLO says that the pandemic “is on its way out” in Mexico despite a record of coronavirus infections

President Mexican, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said on Thursday that the less dangerous omicron compared to other variants of the covid-19 indicates that the pandemic “is on its way out”, while Mexico registers its highest level of contagion so far in the crisis.

“I am very happy because this means that this pandemic is on the way out, it is still a pandemic but I believe that with this new variant (omicron) there are not many risks”, said the leftist president in a video broadcast on his social networks.

Visibly recovered from another video released on Tuesday after being infected for the second time with the coronavirus, Lopez Obrador affirmed that with omicron hospitalizations are not increasing much “And most importantly, we are not going to have more deaths.”

“After this period of contagion which, yes, is expansive, we are all going to return to normality”, predicted the president.

On Wednesday, Mexico -of 126 million inhabitants- scored a historical record of cases of covid-19 registered in 24 hours, with 44,187 new infections.

In contrast, the death toll registered that same day was 190, well below the peaks recorded during the third wave of the pandemic in Mexico at the beginning of last year, with 1,803 deaths on January 21, 2021.

“I think it is quite encouraging to be able to see firsthand that this variant of the covid it does not have the lethality, the dangerousness of the previous variant, of the so-called delta ”, He said Lopez Obrador.

The president, who appeared in his office wearing a light blue shirt and a leather jacket, insisted that the variant had only produced “very mild symptoms”, similar to those of a common flu.

“I have never had a fever, or headaches, or lack of oxygenation, all normal”, affirmed the president, who showed that he was accompanied in his office by the Secretary of the Interior (interior), Adán Augusto López, and the Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramírez de la O.

Lopez Obrador He is vaccinated against covid-19 with two doses from the AstraZeneca laboratory and received another booster on December 7.

The first time he contracted the disease was on January 24 of last year and at that time he was isolated for several days. Then he was replaced by the then Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero.

Until Wednesday, Mexico accumulated 4.21 million confirmed cases and 300,764 deaths from covid-19.


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