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Ómicron: when does a person infected with coronavirus stop being contagious (whether or not they have symptoms)

Ómicron: when does a person infected with coronavirus stop being contagious (whether or not they have symptoms)

Ómicron: when does a person infected with coronavirus stop being contagious (whether or not they have symptoms)

As it spreads omicron, it seems to be becoming clear that the symptoms and the disease it causes are less severe than those caused by the previous variants of the coronavirus covid-19.

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And, in general terms, with omicron the duration of the infection is shorter than with its predecessors. According to data from the UK Health Security Agency, two-thirds of positive cases are no longer infectious by the fifth day.

That is why several countries are revising their regulations on the required isolation period for infected people.

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In this video we tell you how long the omicron incubation lasts and when an infected person stops being contagious.

Script, presentation and video editing: Ana Maria Roura, Research: Maria Elena Navas


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