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Liquid cocaine hidden in more than 20,000 coconuts

Liquid cocaine hidden in more than 20,000 coconuts

Liquid cocaine hidden in more than 20,000 coconuts

To discreetly transport drugs, traffickers redouble their imagination. Recently, liquid cocaine was discovered hidden…in thousands of coconuts.

The discovery was made by customs officers in Cartagena-des-Indies (Colombia) at the end of January. As a shipment of coconuts prepared to leave by boat for Italy, the authorities decided to inspect the shipment, consisting of more than 20,000 coconuts piled up in canvas bags, reports the Colombian customs this Thursday in a press release relayed by Vice.

cocaine fruit

Faced with the suspicious shipment, the authorities decided to test the liquid contained in the coconuts in the laboratory. A wise decision: it was indeed not coconut water but liquid cocaine. This drug is frequently transported in this form before being reconstituted into a powder once it arrives at its destination.

Drug traffickers often use fruit to transport drugs. Loads of avocados or even pineapples are regularly seized by customs authorities, reports Slate. But any container can be used to transport cocaine: breast implants, wigs, thermal concrete…

Source: 20minutes

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