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Price of the dollar in Peru: find out the exchange rate for today’s session, Tuesday, December 20

Price of the dollar in Peru: find out the exchange rate for today’s session, Tuesday, December 20

Price of the dollar in Peru: find out the exchange rate for today’s session, Tuesday, December 20

In this note we will let you know the dollar price American currency in Peru today, Tuesday, December 20, 2022. On yesterday, Monday the 19th, the United States currency closed downward in the country, according to the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCR) , the price of the greenback went from S/3,839 to S/3,838 at the interbank level.

So far this year, the green ticket accumulates a setback of 3.93% compared to the last price of 2021, at S / 3,991.

In the parallel market or the main exchange houses, the dollar is bought at S/3.82 and sold at S/3.85, according to data from the portal how much is

“During the day, the demand came from the ‘offshore’ market and the offer from local corporations, with the dollar reaching a maximum level of S/3,836. US$194 million were negotiated in the market at an average price of S/3,832. The BCRP did not intervene in the market”manifested Asvim AsenciosCurrency trader at Renta4 SAB.

Likewise, Asencios stated that the price of gold rose slightly this Monday, due to the weakening of the dollar globally before the expectations that interest rates would rise in the US for longer than expected. Although gold is a hedge against inflation, higher interest rates increase the opportunity cost of holding bullion that does not earn any interest.

At the local level, the Government formalized, through Supreme Decree No. 143-2022-PCM, the declaration of a state of emergency at the national level for a term of 30 calendar days.

“It was agreed to declare the entire country in a state of emergency due to vandalism and violence, the seizure of highways and roads, which are already stabilizing acts”indicated Alberto Otarola, Minister of Defense.

For his part, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Alex Contrerasestimated that the country loses around S/100 million a day from these protests.

On the other hand, the outlook on Peru’s long-term foreign currency debt rating was revised to negative from stable on Monday by S&P Global Ratings.

Globally, the United States Federal Reserve (Fed) raised interest rates by half a point, which will now be in a range between 4.25 and 4.5%, in a new attempt to contain inflation .

This is the seventh consecutive rate hike since March, although it is more attenuated than the last four, which were 0.75 points.

In its statement, the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee also anticipated that new rate hikes “will be appropriate” in the future to continue helping contain prices and return the inflation rate to its 2% target.

Source: Elcomercio

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