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SignalConso: 500,000 reports recorded by the platform since its inception

This is useful for both users and fraud prevention. Around 500,000 messages have been sent by consumers on the General Authority for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Anti-Fraud’s SignalConso platform since its inception in 2020, the government said on Monday.

The platform, now available via a free mobile app, has been used by more than 320,000 consumers, Olivia Gregoire, Delegate Minister for SMEs and Trade, said at a press conference.

“In the past 12 months, 195,000 reports have been filed, including 75,000 for online purchases, 23,000 for in-store purchases, 18,000 for renovations and 14,000 for travel and leisure,” Bercy said in a press release.

E-commerce is a very important part

“More than 43% of the messages are related to websites: product quality, delivery times, warranty, return or refund conditions, lack of legal notices, etc.,” the document also reveals.

“Most companies pay attention to what they report and fix it,” said Sarah Lacoche, the new CEO of the General Directorate of Competition and Fraud Prevention.

SignalConso gives consumers the ability to quickly report a problem (delivery, misleading promise, contract, etc.) to a specialist and learn about their rights. The platform also allows DGCCRF agents to better navigate their investigations and controls, in particular by facilitating the identification of professionals who are the subject of numerous reports or emerging issues.

Source: Le Parisien

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