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Michel-Edouard Leclerc foresees a “surge” in prices next year

“They will go to the presidential election with inflation at 4%”. Michel-Edouard Leclerc foresees a dizzying price increase in 2022. Guest on RMC and BFMTV this Wednesday morning, the boss of the famous retail chain warned the presidential candidates: inflation will be a major issue in the campaign. “Next year, it will flare up,” he warns.

“Stable” prices for the holidays at Leclerc

Michel-Edouard Leclerc assured that Leclerc stores would contain the price increase by the end of the year, with “stable” prices for the holidays. “It’s a commitment we made to our consumers (…). It is both our interests and the interests of consumers, he said. (…) The tariff inflation that happens, we will postpone it, dissect it, dilute it over the next year ”.

But he knows it can’t last. The prices of certain products have already started to rise sharply, he admitted: “The price of pasta is + 20%, the price of edible oils is + 8%”. He also took advantage of this interview to announce a “Fuel at cost” operation for the holidays.


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