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Carlos Galdós will venture into the cinema as a screenwriter: “I’m sure they’ll love it”

Carlos Galdós will venture into the cinema as a screenwriter: “I’m sure they’ll love it”

Carlos Galdós will venture into the cinema as a screenwriter: “I’m sure they’ll love it”

last weekend Carlos Galdos took “Cuidadito que soy tu madre” to the theater, a show dedicated to mothers in their day, and the results were more than satisfactory for the comedian, as more than three thousand people enjoyed this show full of humor and music.

I am grateful, very grateful, to come back after two years and to have the honor of seeing full theaters, with audiences wanting to see the show, is a blessing for me and for my entire team”limited the also television host.

After the great reception that his show had at the Bianca Convention Center, in Barranco, and at the Plaza Norte Theater, the showman comments: “I see the public eager to attend different events, and this motivates us all, the entertainment industry has returned with force this 2022″.

“In my case, in particular, it motivates me to do comedy, but with a purpose, Mother’s Day shows came like this, the idea was to make people laugh a lot, but paying tribute to mom, the show is powerful for that, I propose to the public love and hug mom as she is, because she is perfect, recognizing her and looking at her”, he added Carlos Galdos.

Tours and new projects:

Regarding your new projects, Carlos Galdos He realizes that this year is a lot of work. “We are preparing to take the show to many cities in Peru, they ask us a lot in Arequipa, Trujillo, Cusco, Huancayo… we are also preparing a tour of the USA, we reach at least 6 cities, I want to see the Peruvians who fight outside. I want to go everywhere and hug everyone.”commented.

After announcing that he will enter the film industry as a screenwriter, the Peruvian artist also said that he is working on a digital project that will be launched in 2023: “I am preparing special content for digital platforms and writing a movie that I’m sure you’re going to loveended.

Source: Elcomercio

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