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Evil Dead Rise: 5 facts about the trans actor who plays Danny

More than 40 years ago, before becoming involved with Marvelthe filmmaker sam raimi explored the world of terror and released a classic that gave rise to an entire franchise: “Evil Dead.” With 4 main characters: Alyssa Sutherland playing Ellie, Lily Sullivan as Beth and Morgan Davies, Gabrielle Echols and Nell Fisher as Danny, Bridget and Kassie respectively.

What few people knew is that the one who plays Danny, Morgan Davies, is a trans actor, therefore, we bring you 5 facts that you may not have known about him.


1. Morgan Davies was born on November 27, 2001 in Australia and currently uses the pronouns he/she. In 2021 he gave an interview to Out in Perth, in which he shared with the public that he is a trans boy. However, his family already knew about it since 2013.

2. She has been active in show business since 2008. The first movie she was in was Green Fire Envy, playing Brittany.

3. He has participated in several television series. Soon we will be able to see him in the role of Koby in the adaptation that Netflix is ​​preparing for One Piece, in the live action version of the endless manga.

4. The first time he confessed that he was a trans actor, he did not feel comfortable, to the point of thinking about giving up acting: “When I first came out of the closet, I stopped acting for a while, because not only were there no roles for trans people at the time, but rather that I was very uncomfortable with myself about how I looked.”

5. Some of the films where he has participated are The Tree and The Hunter, for which he was nominated for the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts awards and the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards.

Source: Elcomercio

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