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Donny Caballero, Lil Silvio & El Vega and other great DJs at the “Misstic” party

The two most important exponents of Latin urban music in the world return to our country. Donny Caballero and Lil Silvio & El Vega will perform together for the only time at the ¨Misstic¨ party, a show that has been called the most exclusive in Arequipa and will also feature the most important DJs of the moment. The show will take place on Saturday, July 6 in Riverside.

Lil Silvio & El Vega are established and globally recognized artists. Coming from Colombia, their songs ¨You have the magic¨, ¨My declaration¨, ¨What I have to do¨, ¨Eres¨, ¨I found you¨, are some of the many melodies that they have in their repertoire and that have captivated hearts of all the countries of the world. Both artists assure that returning to Peru is like being at home because of all the love that their unconditional fans give them in each performance.

For his part, Donny Caballero has been able to catapult his solo career and received recognition from his fans for his songs that invite you to fall in love and dance. ¨Clearer than water¨, ¨Champetú Mode¨, ¨The Allergy¨, “Pretty if eh¨, are some of his successes that have earned him international recognition in several countries around the planet.

¨Misstic¨, the most exclusive party in Arequipa will also have DJ Paul, Santi Vargas, Stephano Sánchez, among other music artists who promise a more than unforgettable evening.

On the other hand, Top Dream Entertainment, the organizing company of this evening, confirmed that a stage never seen before in Arequipa will be created with a limited capacity for five thousand people. The show will have a box area, with the most exclusive brands and accompanied by a sound and light game.

Tickets are on sale at

Source: Elcomercio

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