Moses Nalocca is a high performance trainer (Image: Getty/Moses Nalocca)

This week we speak to Moses Nalocca, a 38-year-old mindset coach from Italy.

Moses left his home country to move to London with just €15 to his name.

When a job search failed despite a law degree, Moses applied to Success Resources, a seminar provider focused on self-development and empowering people in their careers.

His coaching career continued to flourish and when he was stranded on a work trip in Bulgaria in 2020 due to Covid, Moses jumped at the chance to start and train businesses to take their leadership skills to the next level.

Moses Nalocca gives a speech on stage

Moses Nalocca gives a speech on stage about empowerment and mindset (Photo: Moses Nalocca)

Due to the connections he had made in Bulgaria, upon his return to London he received a call from the Bulgarian Karate Federation asking him to conduct mentality coaching with their team.

They needed Moses’ help to qualify for the Olympics. The gold medal of athlete Ivet Goranova in Tokyo is a testament to Moses’ prowess.

First awareness, then identity, then party like you’re already a golden Olympic champion.

There was a lot to do, because we had to break down some barriers. There were some emotional issues to resolve regarding past memories. We had to heal that and deal with the fear of competition.

It’s already a great achievement to be there, but I didn’t just want to go there to compete, I wanted to go there to win. So it was about that winning mentality of who else but you?

We’ve been working on changing her identity, you can’t step into something if you can’t see it in your head.

I stopped calling her Ivet and gave her the identity of Dozera, which means Dozer in English and means “unstoppable”.

She won every competition, including the final where her competitor was ranked number one in the world.

Moses and Ivet Goranova after she won gold

Moses with Ivet and her trainer after winning the gold medal (Photo: Moses Nalocca)

I like to see the transformation in someone. I recently worked with a 20 year old who we did a “discovery session” on.

She was withdrawn and unhappy, but with a few tweaks and downloading, she was revealed to have changed in less than an hour.

There was a light in her, like, ‘You know what? It is possible’.

An average day in the working life of Moses Nalocca:

4:30 a.m.: Get up

5 a.m.: Practice meditation

6 a.m.: Breakfast

7 a.m.: gym

8:30 am: Second meal

9 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Stay informed via emails and contact his teams around the world

12:30 p.m.: Lunch

1pm-5pm: 1-2-1 coaching sessions, group coaching sessions or networking in London

9 p.m.: Read a book

9:30 p.m.: To bed

It was the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. I was 12 and dreamed of winning a gold medal.

So for those of you, whatever dream you have, it may not happen the way you want it to or in the time frame you want it to happen.

It took me over 25 years to win that Olympic gold medal, but I’ve always had that dream and that passion. When you least expect it, life rewards those dreams.

I won that Olympic gold medal. Ivet is the one who got it, but it’s part of me because I saw it when I was a kid.